5 ways to save money in my encore career

Frank and I have been living the encore career lifestyle for about three years. During the two years before we decided to take the plunge from our CAREERS to our encore careers we worked over our household monthly expenses, debits and credits endlessly. We worried, planned, talked, and were terrified of making a financial mistake. Managing a household budget is a well-documented… Continue reading 5 ways to save money in my encore career

55+ à go-go

(photo courtesy DrMidnightPresents) I’ve been thinking about this aging situation for awhile. For example, when I  walked away from a crazy busy career almost 3 years ago, I had already placed the stepping stones on my new path. (By the way, my path looks a lot like a hopscotch pattern and yes, I designed it that… Continue reading 55+ à go-go

Encore career?

I love Twitter! This is sort of a major statement for me to make since I am still on the bunny slope of tweets and hashtags. It’s a brave new world and I am not ashamed to admit that it’s hard for this girl to condense my thoughts to 140 characters! I’m from the South;… Continue reading Encore career?