Do you have this in pumpkin?

I can feel autumn in the air today. The sky is a deeper blue. The crepe myrtle blooms have all but faded away. Leaves are showing that first hint of fall color. Dawn comes later and dusk earlier. Fall in North Carolina does not necessarily mean cooler temperatures. That young lady wearing the leather boots and… Continue reading Do you have this in pumpkin?

Status quo

Currently: Listening: Sade’s Lover’s Rock from 2000. By Your Side is a love song for all time. I’ll always recognize it as the background music for SATC Season 4 when Samantha and Richard dance by the pool. Eating: Yasso coffee chocolate chip bars (only 100 cal, frozen Greek yogurt!) and not feeling guilty at all. Drinking: Starbucks Teavana… Continue reading Status quo

Travel Voucher

The first time I stepped off a plane as a first-time international traveler the colorful scenery, smells, sounds and the muggy heat played tag in my mind. It wasn’t sensory overload, but rather a sensory feast. Jamaica welcomed me with open arms, a crystal clear sea, and humidity best described as a sack of wet… Continue reading Travel Voucher

The weight of guilt

Guilt is a 4-letter word in disguise. It is a bad feeling that can tear us down and leave us in a soggy mess, mired down by the weight of it. Family caregivers wrestle with feelings of guilt frequently. Sometimes guilt is like jet lag from a non-stop cross country flight, depriving us of rest,… Continue reading The weight of guilt

55+ à go-go

(photo courtesy DrMidnightPresents) I’ve been thinking about this aging situation for awhile. For example, when I  walked away from a crazy busy career almost 3 years ago, I had already placed the stepping stones on my new path. (By the way, my path looks a lot like a hopscotch pattern and yes, I designed it that… Continue reading 55+ à go-go

I’ve Got the Bifocals Blues

One of life’s most amusing and frustrating challenges is the dreaded mid-40s onset “I can’t see a damn thing” phenomenon.  You may have been blessed with 20/20 vision, or like me, you are near-sighted and have worn glasses practically all of your life. It doesn’t matter which vision scenario describes your eyesight because one day… Continue reading I’ve Got the Bifocals Blues