Aging in place #LetsAllStayHome

Aging in place. #AIP. This. Yes. Something like 89% of boomers want to age in place. Well duh. Boomers, Gen X&Y and now Millennials  have watched their parents and grandparents struggle fiercely to stay home even as the inevitability of aging takes its toll on health. The next chapter in this worst story ever is… Continue reading Aging in place #LetsAllStayHome

5 handy gadgets for boomers and beyond

One of the rewards I enjoy as a geriatric care manager is the opportunity to pass along helpful tips to make the day-to-day job of growing older a bit easier, safer and sometimes, more fun! I regularly accompany my dear clients to medical appointments, on routine errands like grocery shopping, and everyone’s favorite – going… Continue reading 5 handy gadgets for boomers and beyond

Do you have this in pumpkin?

I can feel autumn in the air today. The sky is a deeper blue. The crepe myrtle blooms have all but faded away. Leaves are showing that first hint of fall color. Dawn comes later and dusk earlier. Fall in North Carolina does not necessarily mean cooler temperatures. That young lady wearing the leather boots and… Continue reading Do you have this in pumpkin?

55+ à go-go

(photo courtesy DrMidnightPresents) I’ve been thinking about this aging situation for awhile. For example, when I  walked away from a crazy busy career almost 3 years ago, I had already placed the stepping stones on my new path. (By the way, my path looks a lot like a hopscotch pattern and yes, I designed it that… Continue reading 55+ à go-go

I’ve Got the Bifocals Blues

One of life’s most amusing and frustrating challenges is the dreaded mid-40s onset “I can’t see a damn thing” phenomenon.  You may have been blessed with 20/20 vision, or like me, you are near-sighted and have worn glasses practically all of your life. It doesn’t matter which vision scenario describes your eyesight because one day… Continue reading I’ve Got the Bifocals Blues